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Good links to other sites
Bedste websted for 78-samlere der vil kende historien
The discographer
Statsbiblioteket - udmærket database til musiksøgning

Torben samler som jeg selv på 78'ere og giver gode råd ud fra sine egne erfaringer
Torben's shellacsite
Larry Robinsons sider er en god ressource til bedre klang fra 78-pladerne
Equalization of old recordings
Larry Robinsons sider er en god ressource til bedre klang fra 78-pladerne
Old eq-curves
Larry Robinsons sider er en god ressource til bedre klang fra 78-pladerne
More eq-curves
Larry Robinsons sider er en god ressource til bedre klang fra 78-pladerne
Graphic equalizer for shellac records
Gode råd om 78-afspilning fra fransk entusiast
Jean-Luc Fradet's advice
Roger Wilmut har mange gode råd om 78-afspilning
Roger Wilmut aboyt 78 records
Gode råd om reparation af lakplader
Repair your shellacs
Lav din egen stroboskopskive på computeren
Your own strobe-disc
Danske Ortofon laver pickups i alle prisklasser til næsten alle formål
Ortofon - pickups for everyone
Eurochannels leverer originale og uoriginale nåle til næsten alle pickups
Aftermarket styli
Reservedele til pladespillere m.v.
Svalander in Sweden
Mint Records - antikvariat
Mint Records 
Rytmeboxen samler mange gode informationer for pladefans
Mange gode samlerinformationer (britisk)
Information for collectors
Lenco-nørdernes himmel
Lenco heaven
Hammergodt pladespillerforum - på engelsk
Vinyl engine
Fedt grammofilt nørdsite med masser af god inspiration
The analog dept.
Online hi-fi magasin med diskussionsforum, køb-salg-bytte osv.
Hi-fi for all
Mange gode links om hi-fi fra dansk audiofil
Good hi-fi links
Stefano Pasini - italiensk samler og vidensbank om bl.a. EMT og Thorens
Stefano Pasini
Nostalgisk tilbageblik med mange fine klip fra tidsskrifter m.v.
Agsor vintage
Knud - radiosamler af Guds nåde
Knud's old radios
DIY pladerenserinspiration
Mere DIY inspiration til pladerensere
More DIY cleaners
Kommerciel pladerensemaskine
Generelle råd om grammofonpladehåndtering
How to handle and clean records
Nationalmuseets forskning i bevaring af gamle grammofonplader
National Mueseum about deteoriation of vinyl
Jørgen Vad er nok blandt dem, der ved mest om overspilning af grammofonplader til cd
Jørgen Vad
Britisk site om processen fra plade til cd
LP to CD-R
Gør-det-selv forforstærker
DIY preamp

Køb og salg
Pedipsens marketpalce

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Last update: November 6th 2013

UK version

In Pedipsen's Pulterkammer (lumber room) I  have done a lot of research and find the sites in the left column very inspiring.

Click the nipper dog label and get there. There are disgragraphical sites, DYI sites, links to good products and dealers.

I have not linked to Expert Stylus. They have no website, but call them on the phone or send them a fax message.

Expert Stylus repairs and retips all cartridges
Expert Stylus Company,
Telefon/fax: 0372276604 / 0372276147 

Expert Stylus, England, will retip or refurbish almost any cartridge you'd like them to revitalize.

Expert Stylus renoverer også gamle Ortofon monopickups som denne AG 65

I hope you'll get inspired to play your records, and if you need some advice, don't hesitate to write me.

Enthusiastiast - show them some respect
Among the links I will especially recommend the fantastic work done by the Danish discographer René Aagaard and the American Larry Robinson that has made some fine work on equalization of old records. Also the shellac-site made by Jean-Luc Fradet is inspiring.

Ortofon has for many decades made fine cartridges. I have over the years found the standard SPU moving coil cartridge to be a fine all-round compromise for my  varied collection of old and newer vinyl records. For mono - vinyl or shellac - the C range of moving coils are worth considering.

But there are lots of others to choose from. Even the cheapest OM range is worth listening to, although I'd advice you to spend a little more if you really want to get the best up from the grooves of your records.

Nørdernes paradis på nettet
Lenco L-75 is a very popular turntable for shellac fans. But also vinyl enthusiasts use the old idler wheel driven turntables - often tweaking them to astonishing results.

Take a look at the site Lenco heaven. 

Lenco L-75

Some say that they don't need a Garrard 301, EMT or Thorens after tweaking a L-75.

Good tone and technical talk
Vinyl engine and Lenco heaven are sites where you meet other enthusiastic people with a passion for vinyl or shellac records.

The tone is friendly and if you ask politely, many people are there to help you with technical advice.

Also take a look at old radios, the collection Stefano Pasini has gathered - or try to read the advice given by Jørgen Vad, if you want to transfer records to digital media.

Good craftmanship and cultural history
Jørgen Vad is one of the best in Denmark when it comes to transfering analogue material to digital.

He is a master of his trade and helps us to restore and revitalize our cultural history.

Many reissues over the years have been of poor quaility, and many amateurs have the hard way found out that a cheap USB turntable and free software just isn't enough to make a good transfer.

Listen - or send your records in circulation
Lots of shellac and vinyl records are scrapped these days. But stop for a moment and try to listen to them.

Or give them to someone that will take care of them.

The cultural history are in the grooves, and for us that collects old records it is a pleasure to receive a stack of "new" records. If they are rare enough, we will even give you a few bucks for them.

Reissue the "gold"
Many records have never been reissued in digital form. Our cultural inheritage is lost for many people, if the record companies neglects their treasures hidden in basements on brittle master tape.

Plastic materials deteoriate over time. In thrift shop you ofte  sense a smell like vinegar from old records, indicating that some of them are already unplayable, as the plastic material bubbles up like these two examples from the fifties and sixties:

7" Decca from the fifties

Metronome 7" single from 1960's

Universal Records have now reissued some of the golden stuff from the "beat" era. Including the talented but shortlived folk-rock Cy, Maia & Robert. Thank you so much!

But quite a few other records would be appreciated - for example:

En aften i Folkeklubben - én blandt mange plader, som ikke kan fås på cd Klik her for en uofficiel Povl Dissing fanside

Div.: "En aften i folkeklubben",
Sonet SLP 1214 (1965).

Div.: "En aften i Vise-Vers-Huset",
Sonet SLPS 1230 (1967).

Save the mastertapes before it is too late
These records - and many more - are important pieces of cultural history. Save the mastertapes before it is too late.

Even though I'm a fan of vinyl and shellac records, I am aware that digital downloads are the way to go for many these days. And with high-speed connections and flac files, digital is not at all rubbish.

Free the cultural history. Convert the old tapes to digital and let us listen to old Povl Dissing songs, strange forgotten beat and folk groups - a treasure like listening til Vilhelm Herold, Billie Holiday or Liva Weel on shellac for those meeting these personalities i audio history for the first time.


                                                                       Yours sincerely Hans Henrik Pedersen.

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