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If you are seriously interested in very old vinyl and 78 rpm shellacs, then visit Vad Lyd on the Internet.

Jørgen Vad knows more about 78 rpm than most people wants to know, and he has some very interesting solutions

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It is still possible to buy new turntables - some with the possibility of playing 78 rpm shellacs.  If  33 and 45 rpm is enough,  you have a lot of machines to chose between.

I'm personally keen on tinkering with old turntables, and I'm not that much of an audiophile, so I am the right one to guide you to the best new machine at a given price, but do avoid the cheapest super-market models, often sold with USB-connection for your computer, free software, flimsy tonearm and a lousy cartridge.

If you want to have fun playing records, start to listen to a ProJect Debut and then a model twice og triple it's price. Then you'll understand a bit about difference and similarities in tables with different price tags. And be sure that a few hundred Euros or Dollars spent on a better cartridge or complete turntable is often a good investment in future pleasure listening to vinyl or shellac records.

Find a sensible hi-fi dealer and make her or him demonstrate what is in the grooves, listening to different cartridges/turntables. If you listen carefully, you'll probably be amazed how nice a good turntable and a well made record matches the sound of a good cd-machine with the same material.

Wider stylus for 78 rpm

If you want to play more than a few shellacs, it´ll be a good investment to buy a special stylus for this purpose. 

The grooves of the 78 rpm records are wider, and playing them with a stylus for 33 and 45 rpm records will result in poorer reproduction than necessary.

Ortofon and Shure are among the numerous companies still offering pickups and styli for 78 rpm reproduction. 

Moving Magnet pickup (MM) requires a phono-pre-amplifier. To use a Moving Magnet pickup, your radio/amplifier must have a phono-input. The cartridge here is the now discontinued Audio-Technica derived Linn K9 that was quite dynamic at it's price.
If your radio or amplifier has no input for Moving Magnet (or the more expensive Moving Coil), you need a small pre-amplifier, also called RIAA-amplifier. In the seventies almost every receiver had a phono-stage
Old JVC pre-amplifier - recent equipment sounds much better, but for 78 rpm and scratchy records the JVC does a splendid job
The RIAA pre-amplifier is connected between the turntable and the radio/amplifier - use a line input (often referred to as "aux").

When you shop for this black box be careful to choose one matching your equipment. Moving Coil (MC) pickups call for a special pre-amplifier. 

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 Last update September 22nd 2009